Letter from the Chapter

Dear Potential New Member,
We are thrilled you are participating in recruitment at Stetson University and will have the chance to meet the many outstanding women of Delta Delta Delta. You may be wondering, as many of our members once did, "What will I find in ∆∆∆? What makes these girls special? And, "Is this the sisterhood for me?" We hope you've found some answers by looking around our website and meeting our members on campus. But let us give you the inside scoop! 

What can you expect to find as a member of  Stetson Tri Delta:
Lasting Friendships: Our members say that their sisters & the bonds they share are the best part of being a Tri Delta. When you surround yourself with people as genuine and encouraging as the women in our chapter, it’s hard not to be transformed. The friendships you make as a member of Tri Delta are not only lasting, but also transformational. These are the kind of friendships that help mold you into the best version of yourself. They are your forever friends -  they are the girls that will stand next to you on your happiest and saddest days of life. After all, the bond of Tri Delta Sisterhood is never broken.
Laughter: Our members love to have fun! With all of the time we get to spend together, from Greek Sing practice, to intramurals, to getting dressed for formals, you can bet we know how to make each other laugh. We strive to treat the things we do not as obligations, but as chances to make unforgettable memories with our amazing sisters.
Leadership: As a member, you will have countless opportunities to lead your peers. Whether you are a great dancer, a passionate event planner, a servant-hearted leader, or an intramural team-captain, there is a place for you to step into leadership as a Tri Delta. 
Loving Service: At Stetson, we are immensely passionate about our national philanthropy, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. As a member of ∆∆∆, you get to take ownership of such an amazing cause and work humbly to raise money to support all the work that the hospital does. You can also serve locally in the Deland Community by engaging in our weekly service activities.

Life in our chapter is filled with purpose and love. We look forward to getting to know you, and encourage you to take advantage of more opportunities to meet our members.

Ericka Roza 

brave, bold, kind